“Why I Joined DNSFilter”: Jen Ayers on her new role as COO

The responses I have received in support of taking the role as Chief Operating Officer at DNSFilter have been amazing. I am grateful for the many congratulations and positive comments I have received.

DNSFilter provides a different type of security and protection than the previous companies I’ve worked for. With the rise in targeted attacks by adversaries, the increase of awareness about the importance of having multiple avenues of protection has risen to the top. “Zero Trust” is a prevalent term being used as a way to address the dynamic and fluid environments we work in. Company security measures are no longer only concerned with external threat actors. Everything on your network needs to be treated as a potential threat actor. DNSFilter is one layer in that “Zero Trust” model that brings comprehensive protection by blocking threats at one of the earliest points of entry.

But we are not just about protecting companies. We see this as protecting people. We work with education customers, like our partner Lenovo, to help protect students from inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and sites that can have a questionable influence on young minds. We work with Internet Service Providers to protect consumers from malicious content, phishing attacks, and other threats. We work with public WiFi providers to ensure that commuters on a bus or patrons at a coffee shop don’t find themselves the victims of a cyber attack, or a bystander as another customer accesses unsavory websites.

We are a quiet player in what seems like a busy market—but we are unique in what we provide. Our deployment is simple, so customers can turn on the tool and have instant protection after just a few minutes. We provide flexibility in how users apply this protection—in both the IT setup phase and in the particular content users want to allow or block. No two IT infrastructures are identical, and we’re equipped to handle a wide range of needs. 

While other companies in the space rely solely on threat feeds, our AI allows us to find more threats earlier than other sources. Our average right now is 80 hours before other threat feeds. Our AI is approaching 400 million domains scanned and categorized.

DNSFilter is growing quickly. We’re now processing over 12 billion queries daily—last year at this time we were at just over 1 billion. It’s because our team has put a lot of work into the product to make it a solution we’re proud of, and our customers have taken notice and trust us. Our roadmap includes more features around usability, insights, and threat detection.

I’m excited to be here and have a hand in driving innovation at DNSFilter forward.

Read the full press release about Jen's addition to DNSFilter.

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