[Newsletter] What’s the latest from DNSFilter?

Just Released: 2021 Domain Threat Report 

This report looks at trending topics including the pandemic, cryptocurrency, nation-state attacks and the most malicious TLDs over an 18-month period.

We've taken this unique data and put together our very first DNSFilter Domain Threat Report. You'll come away with actionable changes that you can make to better protect your IT infrastructure.

Here are just some of the data points this report includes:

  • China is responsible for 16.69% of all malware queries on the DNSFilter network
  • 11.47% of all COVID-related DNS queries on our network between March 2020 and August 2021 were malicious
  • In May 2021 as unemployment scams were rampant, there was a 157% increase in traffic to sites with “unemployment” in the title

Be sure to download the full report to explore all of our findings, click below. 

Leg Up 2021 Conference

We are excited to announce we will be attending Leg Up 2021! We will be joining our friends, Gradient MSP, where they will be hosting their first annual partner conference. 

Sign up to meet with top vendors in the industry and gain insight on the vision for the IT channel. You will also get to see an interview with our Product Manager, Mikey Pruitt, and even have the chance to win some great prizes! 

Upcoming webinar with Farsight Security

DNS over HTTPS, or DoH, is arguably the most popular encryption protocol—but how did we get here? How do we know this is the best option for us? We will be teaming up with Farsight Security on a webinar as we dive into the history of DNS encryption.

Our own Domain Intelligence Lead Peter Lowe from DNSFilter and Farsight Security’s CEO and co-founder Paul Vixie answer questions on the following:

  • The rise in popularity of DoH
  • What other DNS encryption options are out there, and how they compare
  • What the future holds for the future of DNS encryption and the remaining unencrypted aspects of the Domain Name system

Don’t miss out as we go over what the future could look like and answer any other questions you might have.

Stay up to date with great content from the DNSFilter team on our medium page! 

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