DNSFilter’s Latest Hires

As our business continues to scale, we need to ensure our internal teams grow congruently so that we can support our customers, further develop our product, and remain a leader in the DNS security space. 

We go after the best talent in the market, specifically people who are passionate about providing innovative technology that challenges the way the industry thinks about DNS security. 

I sat down with our two most recent hires to find out a bit more about them, why they joined the DNSFilter team, and what they’re most excited about! 

Here’s what they had to say.

brian reynolds technical support engineer dnsfilter

Brian Reynolds, Technical Support Engineer

Tell me about yourself:

I’m originally American but living in Canada now. I’m into DJ’ing and mixing tracks, doing voice impersonations (you should hear my Morgan Freeman!), and spending time with my family, especially my son. I love skateboarding and playing video games too. 

I joined my previous employer as a sales rep and was quickly moved over to technical support where I spent the next 6.5 years honing my skills. I like coding, messing around with SQL, and even doing a bit of QA. 

Why did you choose to join the DNSFilter team and what are you looking forward to the most?

After hearing about this position I checked out the website and the Glassdoor reviews. I was really impressed with what I saw. There were no negative reviews, instead people were saying there was a lot of flexibility, the ability to hone your skills, not being micromanaged, etc. Essentially I took that as—hey we hired you for something, now go and do it. In terms of what I’m looking forward to most, really it’s about learning more about DNS, and networking in general. I have a few networking certificates, but being in it and actually doing the day to day really excites me. I love learning new things and I know this position will offer me the chance to develop my technical skills. 

shirely addo QA engineer DNSFilter

Shirley Addo, QA Engineer

Tell me about yourself:

I’m Shirely, a QA Engineer based in Maryland. I enjoy cooking, playing tennis, meeting new people, and love watching movies! I also have a young daughter that keeps me busy!

What drew you to working at DNSFilter?

The fact that it is a fully remote team was the first thing that caught my eye. I really don’t feel comfortable going back into an office full time, given how effective we can be remotely. I also really liked the fact that this was a different role—the security and networking aspect is something I have a background in but want to further develop my skills in. 

What stood out to you as being different at DNSFilter compared to other companies you worked at?

It’s a really small company. With that, comes a lot more responsibility. Because it’s a smaller team, I find myself taking on more work / projects than I would if there were more of us. I also find that structurally we’re still trying to find ourselves, there aren’t many processes or clear direction when it comes to certain things. That being said, it’s been a pretty fun experience so far and everyone has been extremely welcoming and supportive. 

What are you looking forward to the most?

 Definitely can’t wait to get into QA Automation. I haven’t touched it yet, as we’ve been busy with other projects, but can’t wait!

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