Insights Reporting: DNSFilter Announces Improved Reporting

A new age of reporting is here

In the last year at DNSFilter, it’s been a goal of our product team to better connect the user to the query. After conversations with our customers in the summer of 2020, it became clear that our reporting wasn’t giving our users the visibility they needed to make network decisions.

As one beta tester put it, they needed to be “able to determine the who, what, when, where, with specificity.” That’s what Insights Reporting does.

Insights Reporting is the simplest way for DNSFilter customers to analyze their DNS query data. We’ve taken the best of our previous reporting and enhanced it so our users can do more.

Watch the video to see this new reporting in action.

Features you can start using

Insights Reporting also introduces a new overview page that ties into our updated reporting.

With Insights, our customers now have access to metrics that were previously unavailable such as:

  • User reports
  • Roaming Client reports
  • Domain reporting
  • Drill down to the raw endpoint data

You’ll also have visibility into network behavior, MAC addresses, agent counts, and DNS resolver geolocation.

We’ve entered a new era of DNSFilter reporting. Our goal is that Administrators like you can access the reporting dashboards that work for your individual use case. Whether you need to login weekly to oversee your network or present numbers to upper-management, our reporting will support your infrastructure visibility needs.

Login and start reporting

What’s next?

Keep an eye out for more features coming to DNSFilter, including more updates to Insights Reporting. We want to build on this feature overtime and make it the reporting tool that our customers need.

Planned improvements to Insights Reporting include:

  • Scheduled reports
  • More direct access to endpoint reports
  • Link between endpoint reports
  • More query log details

There is more coming from DNSFilter, and we’ll make sure to share feature additions as they’re released. And don’t forget to leave us feedback so we know what matters most to you.

On April 29, we’re hosting a webinar on Insights Reporting. Sign up for the webinar here.

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